Workplace Culture

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Employee Experience

Seven Culture Drivers that Unlock Better Business Outcomes - Part 2

Explore seven culture drivers that strengthen employee experience and improve business performance

Employee Experience

Seven Culture Drivers that Unlock Better Business Outcomes – Part 1

Focusing on key cultural drivers can help organisations create great workplace environments that boost business performance. We explore various business dynamics impacting culture and recognise seven critical factors influencing culture and performance.

Employee Experience

Tips for Managers: Getting the Most out of the 5 Workplace Personality Types

Our recent survey identified the five most common workplace personalities. Each has its own characteristics and is motivated by different ambitions and leadership styles. 

Employee Experience

Structured Thinking With The Executive

At UKG, we're passionate about empowering both individuals and managers by gaining a clearer understanding of workplace personalities.  

Employee Experience

The Thinker: The Logical Approach

At UKG, we believe understanding workplace personalities helps individuals grow and managers better understand their teams, enhancing overall development and productivity.

Employee Experience

Getting to Know the Go Getter

Every workplace is diverse, making it interesting. The shift to remote and hybrid work models has significantly transformed work life and introduced new management challenges.

Employee Experience

The Negotiator: The People Person

At UKG, our latest survey revealed key work personality types. With behavioral psychologist Donna Dawson's support, we defined these personalities and their unique traits and styles.

The 4 C’s of Successful Employee Onboarding

Onboarding is a critical process for engaging new hires. First impressions count, and no employee wants to arrive the first day with a pile of paperwork to complete and without the necessary equipment. 

People icon

Adapt, Align and Foster:
How to Optimise both Employee
Experience and Performance

The business world is experiencing seismic challenges and change – and this is creating risk everywhere. Businesses must tackle the ongoing tension between Operations and HR teams on how to drive performance whilst, at the same time, delivering a positive employee experience. 

Two individuals brainstorming
Life-Work Trends

Quiet Quitting...
or Career Correction?

One of the hottest trends up for discussion (and debate) in HR right now is the idea of “quiet quitting.” What does this trend mean for businesses?