This situation turned the UK market upside down and HR specialists had to redesign their talent acquisition and retainment strategies to include people’s new needs and expectations.
Not feeling valued, no work-life balance and poor company culture are the main reasons that lead UK workers to quit their jobs. According to the Workforce management report, Resign, Resigned or Re-Sign, 54% of UK workers found that it was an easy decision and were enthusiastic about leaving their organisations.
“I was being taken for granted; treated as just a number. My mental health wasn’t considered, and I burned out.”
“I was becoming stressed, and my mental health was starting to deteriorate.”
“Management was out of touch. I was working way too many hours with little incentive to do so.”
UK workers feel comfortable with their decisions:
- Only 31% of UK quitters feel they decided too quickly, as compared with France at 63%.
- Nearly a quarter moved industries.
- Almost one in five shifted roles.
The relationship between UK managers and UK workers is scattered. UK managers, who are going through the same struggle, believe that they are considering their employees which is not the reality.
- 93% of UK managers think they help employees communicate their frustrations BUT only 57% of UK job quitters agree.
- 91% of UK managers claim to have annual ‘stay conversations’ with employees BUT only 42% of UK job quitters confirm this.
The UK shows off the highest rate in terms of managers who are planning to quit their jobs. 53% are considering quitting for the same reasons as their employees. There is clearly a miss communication between UK managers, employees and organisations.
Download the Infographic to know:
- How can workers be retained in future?
- How do they and their managers feel about their departure?
- What is the relationship between UK managers and employees?
- How many have ‘boomeranged’ back to their employers? Is the grass really greener in other companies?