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White paper

What’s Your Work Personality?

Discover the personality types that make up the UK workforce & learn how to build a culture that aligns with people to improve employee experience and performance.


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What’s Your Work Personality?

Working life has been on a transformative journey in recent years. As the turbulence brought on by the pandemic finally subsides and the working world attempts to settle into a different shape, business leaders are now met by a variety of challenges, from labour shortages and mass layoffs to geopolitical unrest and economic uncertainty. 

We are now seeing a shift in where people prefer to work, their preferences in how they communicate with colleagues and, On a deeper level, what motivates them. In this new future of work, people’s needs are widely varied, and the modern employee has higher expectations than ever for the employee experience. 

The task of managing people through this evolving phase of work cannot be underestimated, and unforeseen circumstances have historically had long-lasting impacts on the way people approach work from both sides. To address these changes, UKG commissioned a market research project to analyse the five main personality types and garner insights into how they like to work best. 

We wanted to gain an even better understanding of the workplace of today and what employees want and need. 

Our research attempts to answer five crucial questions about the make-up of the modern workforce:

• How do people like to work?

• Where do people prefer to work? 

• How do they work with other people? 

• What type of management are they most receptive to?

• What is HR technology’s role in helping to improve the employee experience?

This whitepaper explores the people that make up the UK workforce and supports managers on how to get the best out of them.